Samarium Cobalt Rings

A metal washer with a hole in the middle on a white background

Samarium Cobalt Rings

Magnets for Industry & Industrial Sourcing
Samarium Cobalt Ring Magnets provide a great value because not only are they very strong, but they resist both corrosion and temperature very well. They do not require any coating. For a magnet that seems to have it all, the only drawback is that they are the most expensive to produce.
These magnets are often used in:
  • High performance motors
  • Magnetic couplings
  • Magnetic separators
Samarium Cobalt magnets can crack and chip since they are brittle. They can be used for applications that require high temperatures, when neodymium magnets will not work. They are also resistant to corrosion, resistant to demagnetization and they provide good thermal stability.
A table showing typical magnetic performance for sintered smco magnet and typical magnetic performance for bended smco magnet
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Ceramic Magnets
Ceramic Blocks
Ceramic Discs
Ceramic Rings
Ceramic Rectangles
Ceramic Motor Arc Magnets
Specialty Cut Ceramic Magnets
Alnico Magnets
Rare Earth Magnets
Neodymium Rings
Neodymium Discs
Neodymium Blocks
Samarium Cobalt Rings
Samarium Cobalt Discs
Samarium Cobalt Blocks
Countersunk Magnets
Neodymium Cup Magnet Assembly
Magnetic Assemblies
Channel Magnet
License Plate Magnets
Round Base Magnets
Sandwich Magnet
Packaging Magnets

Neodymium Magnets

Samarium Cobalt Magnets

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